Friday, September 28, 2007

Evolution theory, disporve it or shut up!

From NY times

The film is described in its online trailer as “a startling revelation that freedom of thought and freedom of inquiry have been expelled from publicly-funded high schools, universities and research institutions.” According to its Web site, the film asserts that people in academia who see evidence of a supernatural intelligence in biological processes have unfairly lost their jobs, been denied tenure or suffered other penalties as part of a scientific conspiracy to keep God out of the nation’s laboratories and classrooms.

What these people need to understand is that science is based on facts that can be rigorously tested. Based on these facts, hypotheses are made. When enough facts support a hypotheses, then it is rigorously tested in a mathematical framework. The result is a theory, which is open for disproving if it can be counter argued. Everything else is PseudoScience. That is why Religion, Astrology, occult etc. cannot be phrased as science. Although they have strict rules that govern their procedures, they are not based on fact. Infact, even psychology is close to pseudo science since direct methods for testing psychological phenomena are extremely limited.

Religion is based on beliefs, science does not entertain beliefs, it is only concerned about theories. If the creationists think that instead of slingbanging the scientists, they can actually prove creationism, or at the least disprove the theory of evolution then that's exactly what they should do. BTW. claiming that you cannot disprove creationism does not prove it.

Claiming that god made the earth and everything on it will not prove it. If you choose to believe it then that is your decision; however, you cannot tell the scientific community to change their believes. And for this exact reason, creationism should not be taught in science classes. It could be taught in theology, but not in science. No matter what the idiots do, including calling believing in evolutionary theory Darwinism, will not change the fact that science cannot be based on beliefs that can neither be tested nor be universally justified.

Scientist are seen by masses as eccentric people who are exceedingly selfish in their goals. And thats why they are subject to public isolating just like geeks are in this countries school system. Portraying of mad scientists like Dr. Jekyll has not helped the situation either. I see this as nothing but a money making attempt by Mr. Stein. Mr. Stein, you should go get a degree in evolutionary biology before you disprove it!

1 comment:

Anything said...

Evolution is just as much of a theory as God creating the earth. Evolution is not scientific and is pure hypothesis as it can also not be proven and hasnt but has instead been very fraudulent about the evidence it does propose. Also, even scientists cant figure how life began and have man THEORIES about how it happened which is NOT fact what so ever. So in turn evolution should also not be taught in a science class because it is purely as unscientifical as creation. Until you can either prove evolution or prove creation there should be no such comments or posts such as this, because they are both simply a religeon.