Monday, April 07, 2008

Save the Turtles, and still have the Port I say

The following letter (which I wrote) is regarding

Apparently Tata is building a port at Dhamra which would affect the local sea life there adversly, especially the Turtles. Green peace is urging Tata to move, I am taking a different stand. I am urging Tata to set a trend in India where industrialization and nature can indeed co-exist.

Dear Mr.Tata,

I am writing to express my opinion about the Dhamra port project planned by the Tata group and the Larsen and Tubro group of companies. I am writinig becuase I think that the Dhamra project may prove to be an excellent platform for India's leading companies to showcase their dedication to a developed and sustainable India.

Solid infrastructure is imperative to India's growth. I am sure that when Tata and Larsen and Tubro chose the Dhamra coast as the location for the new port, you had nothing but sustainable growth on your mind. Building new infrastructure is certainly the right way to proceed in the direction of growth, but doing so with unison in the effect of the growth on nature is the right way to sustainable growth. The environmental impact of infrastructural growth needs be carefully analyzed and all threats even the most remote, must be rigorously addressed. Only then can sustainability in growth be guaranteed.

What then is the way forward. Clearly the first choice according to me would always be to relocate to a site which poses no direct threat to the environment. I understand however, that this may not always be possible. What then should the company do.

I think the answer is rather simple, if a port must be built then it must be built, however it need not be built in such a way that it threatens the environment. Consider the Car plant of Subaru in Lafayette, Indiana, United states ( This is the only plant in the world that is a certified wild life habitat. A living proof of the fact that technology, and also industry can co-exist with nature.

As a global leader Tata is well positioned to leverage its world class talent pool to develop design methods for port development that do not threaten the environment, and specifically the turtles that share the coast with us. It is certainly worth the while to invest money and effort in coming up with ways of having the port at the same location but not threatening the ocean life. I think such an effort would be as commendable as Tata's dedication to the environmentally friendly Air powered car. I think the Dhamra port project would be an excellent opportunity for the Tata group to lay the foundation of tomorrows India. An Industrialized nation that at the same time is in touch with its environment.

I ernestly urge you to take on this challenge with all your might. Let us spear head the new industrial revolution, let us show the world that nature and industrialization can indeed co-exist.

Girish Chowdhary
Atlanta USA.


Anonymous said...

Turtles and Ports CANNOT coexist. simple. there is no mitigation for extinction. this port is a serious threat to the entire species and there is no other way than to shift the port and save the turtles. that way both can coexist.

Unknown said...


I strongly agree to the point that Environmental clearance has been given by the government and after closely observing the actions used by Greenpeace, I feel something fishy about this NGO organization.

When there is a distance of about 25 kms.? there shouldn't be any harm for the mating of turtles. Then what is the problem with Greenpeace?

1. Is this so called "Globally recognized NGO" trying to stop the developments of the Orissa state?

2. has this something to do with the the competitors of TATA?

3. Are they trying to be in media all the time and grab attention of public and other businessmen?

4. Or is through this issue, do they have something to do with the politicians or the Government?

There are many such questions rolling around my mind but, there is one basic truth existing. If Greenpeace succeeds in stopping the port construction, the locals people of the orissa are the losers. They have been dreaming about earning some good money and living life if the port comes into existence. I wish may their dreams come true and let orissa cherish with riches and prosperity.

Anonymous said...

Environmental issues are often brushed off as a matter of taste: some people relish a thriving economy, while others prefer protecting obscure little animals on inconsequential wetlands.TATA and the dpcl have assured that the safety of the turtles and their aribadda,i dont know why green peace is making so much fuss about the dhamra port,they should know that human values is as important as turtles , i sincerly support the dhambra project,

Anonymous said...

Everyone shall have the right to live in a healthy environment and to have access to basic public services.basically human have their rights they cant live in poverty ,greenpeace should sit with dpcl and negotiate and settle the matter amicably to safegaurd the people as well as construction of the port,and the turtles since the port is coming 25kms from the breeding place i dont think the port construction will affect the breeding,moreover it is going to help the people of orissa ,TATA should go with this construction of the dhamra port

Unknown said...

Some people thrive on having something to protest. It's a compulsion that makes them feel alive and useful. Their opinions are usually based on a mixed bag of rationalization, idealism, ideology, fantasy, and a smattering of fact. We saw them protesting the Viet Nam war, corporate profits, and now environmental issues. They're all the same crowd, and they still don't really stand for anything--they're just against some things.

A more productive way to live is to propose and implement solutions to problems--solutions that can be realistically and economically implemented.

TATA is constructing the dhamraport which is going to help the people of orissa by way of economy infracture and tourism,and they have taken necessary clearance from the concerned authorities,
greenpeace should not object of constructing the dhamra port,since the port is coming 25 kms from the breeding place ,it is not going to affect the breeding ,so green peace should settle the matter amicably to safeguard the human value as well as the turtles i sincerly support the dhamraport

Anonymous said...

Be as beneficent as the sun or the sea, but if your rights as a rational being are trenched on, die on the first inch of your territory.Greenpeace is adopting the pressure tactics to stop the construction of dhamra port to get political mileage,they are not making any sincere effort to negotiate and settle the matter amicably ,they should understand that this dhamra port is going to help the people of orissa to a larger extent ,it will provide tourism, employment,and good infrastructure ,this is boon to the people of orissa ,so i fully support the dhamra port.

Unknown said...

The two false premises, this, the "finite resource" and, the "pristine nature" from your 'Climate Change Delusion', when taught to an individual with an altruistic moral code, will cause an evasion or result in mental problems in the person who tries to apply principles to life.
No human being can develop an intact ego holding a believe, that their every action is harmful to their fellow man. The guilt is simply too corrosive and inevitably such a person will hate themselves for destroying other or hate all others for destroying their quality of life.
I think that is why the leaders of the environmental movement tend to be both criminal and irrational. It is their only defense as, if they became honest they would have to kill themselves and if they became rational they drop environmentalism.
greenpeace should understand that dhamra,they port is going to help poverty stricken orissa to greater extent. they should sit with tata settle the matter amically about the turtles,instead of making so much hue and cry,i want everyone to standup,and support dhamraport for the people of orissa.

Keerthi said...

I don't understand one thing at last, whether this greenpeace or other such NGOs are really striving to save the turtles or they have any shocking intension behind their impractical difference of opinion, for the reason that nowhere we notice any such sophistications mentioned by these NGOs.

Unknown said...

Aware of the interdependence of the major elements of the world ecosystem - an interdependence evident also at the social, economic and political levels - we are beginning to see that integration of life on the planet requires unified action on a scale we have not yet achieved. Partial solutions seem only to prolong the difficulties; yet we hesitate to adopt a new and workable system of values for the world. For until there is unity at the most fundamental level - that of human values - social problems, simple or complex, will remain unresolved.we should respect human values,NGOs should noy cry foul for the dhamra port tata are doing the best by taking the help International Union for Conservation of nature. dhamra project will be a boon to the people of orissa.i support the dhamra project.

Anonymous said...

In cycles gone by, though harmony was established, yet, owing to the absence of means, the unity of all mankind could not have been achieved. Continents remained widely divided, nay even among the peoples of one and the same continent association and interchange of thought were well-nigh impossible. Consequently intercourse, understanding and unity amongst all the peoples and kindreds of the earth were unattainable. In this day, however, means of communication have multiplied, and the five continents of the earth have virtually merged into one.... In like manner all the members of the human family, whether peoples or governments, cities or villages, have become increasingly interdependent. For none is self-sufficiency any longer possible, inasmuch as political ties unite all peoples and nations, and the bonds of trade and industry, of agriculture and education, are being strengthened every day. Hence the unity of all mankind can in this day be achieved. Verily this is none other but one of the wonders of this wondrous age, this glorious century. Of this past ages have been deprived, for this century - the century of light - hath been endowed with unique and unprecedented glory, power and illumination. Hence the miraculous unfolding of a fresh marvel every day. Eventually it will be seen how bright its candles will burn in the assemblage of man,human are not treated like human,he is forced to do things which is good for the people.tata is doing the right thing by constructing the dhamra port .

Unknown said...

The fundamental rights of [humanity] are, first: the right of habitation; second, the right to move freely; third, the right to the soil and subsoil, and to the use of it; fourth, the right of freedom of labor and of exchange; fifth, the right to justice; sixth, the right to live within a natural national organization; and seventh, the right to peace should understand that human value is as important as turtles,TATA as taken necessary clearance from the concerned authority for construction of the dhamra port ,since the distance is 25kms from the breeding place it wont affect the breeding of the turtles,so we all should stand up and support the construction of dhamra port

Unknown said...

We will not enjoy security without development, we will not enjoy development without security, and we will not enjoy either without respect for human rights,green peace should go far long term conversation strategies as u have mentioned , it looks green peace has personal vendetta against the TATA ,it is not settling the matter amicably it is making hue and cry to get international recognition ,dont bogged down by this threat by this vested intrested ,finish dhamra project and help the poverty stricken orissa.

Unknown said...

April 10. 2009 10:35

We will not enjoy security without development, we will not enjoy development without security, and we will not enjoy either without respect for human rights,green peace should go far long term conversation strategies as u have mentioned , it looks green peace has personal vendetta against the TATA ,it is not settling the matter amicably it is making hue and cry to get international recognition ,dont bogged down by this threat by this vested intrested ,finish dhamra project and help the poverty stricken orissa

disha said...

Tata is a old company having a very potential experience since many years, I don’t feel that Tata will take any such type of decisions which will affect environment or may be turtles, even then GreenPeace or any such NGO's are unhappy with this port construction they can tackle this matter in even more mannered and respectful way which also helps to maintain the real standards and purpose of such NGOs. Otherwise its very much ridiculous to approach in a disgraceful manner.

Anonymous said...

Society's double behavioral standard for women and for men is, in fact, a more effective deterrent than economic discrimination because it is more insidious, less tangible. Economic disadvantages involve ascertainable amounts, but the very nature of societal value judgments makes them harder to define, their effects harder to relate,GREENPEACE which has head office in bangalore does not make any comments are protests when there is felling of trees in bangalore,because no body is paying them to protest,but at the same time there is dhamraport coming in orissa they are making all out effort in saving the turtles even though they know that the port is coming 25 kms away from the breeding place and it is no way going to affect the breeding, and also greenpeace does not take any money from the corporates but they take the money from the foundation run by the corporates,no doubt that 40 members of parliament wanted green peace to be banned,people of double standard never experience happiness all there falsified effort will go the drains

Indresh said...

In my opinion, TATA has undertaken a big task of improving the status of Orissa through
Dhamra port construction. And it should not discontinue this magnificent endeavor because of some worthless obstructions. So I strongly support the construction of Dhamra port.
On the other hand I also feel that the NGOs such as Greenpeace or others should recognize the importance of this construction keeping the improvement of Orissa state in their consideration.

Amresh said...

At this point of phase I really don’t understand the real objective of these NGOs,
Is it to protect the environment or to barricade the development of our Indian industry?
If it is really to protect the environment without any awful intention, then
·Why don’t they raise their voice where actually environment is being harmed, like in Banglore, plenty of trees are being cut by reason of Metro Plans.
· Why these NGOs don’t take a chance of remonstrating against that?
·Why are they behind this Dhamra Port construction, which seems to be harmless to environment and much helpful for the people?

Hari Krishna said...

I agree that we cant continue to exist if we harm environment, or if we go against the nature, but it does not mean that the reason of protecting the environment or other creatures, should stop the development of mankind. Man has always achieved something best out of the resources of nature, and it should go on and of course without harming the nature, so both the organizations should together unravel this issue without causing loss to both mankind and enviroment

Sheela said...

Organizations like Greenpeace are making people to believe some fake reports which is really spoiling the identity and standards of NGOs. Everyone should come to know about the realities and facts behind their arguments so that as a final point, public can decide over such big issues.

Unknown said...

there is no civilzation without culture and no culture without civilzation tata port is really going to help the orissa in many ways, tata has taken help to create enviormental standard from International Union for Conservation of Nature ,so the tata is trying is best to safe gaurd the enviorment and helping the people of orissa ,there is no need to cry foul for the construction of dhamra project ,we should stand by tata and help in completing the construction of port.

Varun said...

I sturdily shore up for the construction of dharma port since it is not harming turtles or
not crafting any other tribulations as mentioned by Green Peace, I sense it as a cunning trick of GP to attain its triumph by holding back the development of Indian industry, God knows, why it has taken such an absurd mission of corrupting public and indirectly our country.

Gouri shankar said...

Dhamra Port construction is not a matter of just conflicting and discontinuing without any precise reason behind the struggle or dispute; I don’t understand why Green Peace is not coming with true facts and figures. It is of no meaning just to gripe against any big company without proper point or reason, if it so stable on its decision, it should let the public know about the real intension behind its struggle.

Raghuram said...

"Orissa strongly wants this construction of port, so by bearing in mind the need of upgrading of fishermen and also Orissa the venture should go on. At any time if some good development or projects has to be started, there will be lot many disputes and objections from different ends, but when the project makers are confident on what they are doing, they should not agonize about these kind of storms.........

Unknown said...

Circumstances may cause interruptions and delays, but never lose sight of your goal.TATA is doing the great job by building the dhamra port for the poverty stricken orissa ,since it is following the guidelines strictly imposed by the government to protect enviorment and other aspects,and also dpcl is committed to enhance the rural improvement,.GREENPEACE approach towards the dhamraport is disgusting and pathetic.since the dhamra port construction is coming 25 kms away from the breeding place , i dont think dhamraport is going to affect the breeding of turtles.therefore greenpeace should sit with the tata and and concerned authorities settle the matter amicabally, to safe guard the turtles and more importantly people of orissa.we should support the TATA for the construction of dhamra port.

Anonymous said...

It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause, who at best knows achievement and who at the worst if he fails at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.TATA is exactly doing the same. its withstanding all the unjust resistance given by greenpeace.tata should stand on the obligation to construct the dhamra port for the people od orissa .since it is following necessary guidelines imposed by the enviormental board and the government of india,its is well known fact that the port is coming 30kms away from the breeding place,its not going to affect the breeding in any way,green peace should understanding that the human life is as precious as turtles,it should sit and settle the matter with the necessary authorities and and should not be a hinderance to dhamra port.Criticism is prejudice made plausible.

Neeraja said...

I request Mr.Ratan Tata not to stop Dhamra port construction. People or public will surely accept his plan once it gets constructed and gets started.
Until unless we experience the taste of success we won’t believe anything, so it should be constructed and started to prove itself as great plan.

sandeep said...

Till date I was believing that NGOs never go erroneous or they until the end of time fight for evenhandedness and authentic reasons. But this time I am traumatized to make out that even Planet protectors like GP have also got corrupted.

Unknown said...

We are fortunate enough to live in india at the beginning of the 21st century and enjoy all the benefits of modern science and technology. Human life is now longer, healthier and richer than ever before. But not everybody is happy about it. Some people would rather have us go back in time and sacrifice it all. They are the advocates of Environmentalism.

Environmentalism is not, as many naively think, a movement to protect the environment for man. It is rather a movement to protect the environment from man. But man could not have risen from the caves without exploiting the environment: without burning wood for light and fire, mining metals for tools, cutting trees for shelter, or draining swamps for farming. And man cannot survive today without industry and technology, both of which run on energy.Environmentalists are also fiercely opposed to mining. But without mining we would not have iron or steel to make plumbing, tractors, bridges, railroads or skyscrapers. We would not have copper wires to transmit electricity, or surgical instruments to save our lives. We would not have any kind of tools or machines: no household appliances, no cars, no computers, no nothing. We would literally go back to the Stone Age, if they ever let us use the stones, that is.

And this is the true evil nature of Environmentalism: the obsession to see us all reduced to the level of animals, barefoot and naked, filthy and sick, miserable and helpless.

But the Environmentalist movement will not succeed, hard as it may try, to take us back to savagery -- not without our help. Let us not sanction Environmentalism's evil, or pretend it is anything other than a movement for human misery on Earth.

Let us proudly defend the value of our industrial civilization and the technological progress that makes our lives ever better, healthier, and longer.

.GREENPEACE approach towards the dhamraport is disgusting and pathetic.since the dhamra port construction is coming 25 kms away from the breeding place , i dont think dhamraport is going to affect the breeding of turtles.therefore greenpeace should sit with the tata and and concerned authorities settle the matter amicabally, to safe guard the turtles and more importantly people of orissa.we should support the TATA for the construction of dhamra port.ratan tata should not stop the dhamra port at any cost.

Charan said...

Every lock will have its own key, likewise even in Dharma port construction, problems have cropped up and both the groups should unravel this issue on communal understanding, and should reflect on the more lucrative plan.

Dwarikaprasad said...

I sense the human rights are more imperative in this issue, and also, Dhamra port construction will not harm Gahirmatha turtle breeding which is nearly 25 to 30 kilometers far-off from the place of port construction. So, it is an imprudent thing being done by Greenpeace that it is opposing the DPC for no proper reasons

Dwarikaprasad said...

I sense the human rights are more imperative in this issue, and also, Dhamra port construction will not harm Gahirmatha turtle breeding which is nearly 25 to 30 kilometers far-off from the place of port construction. So, it is an imprudent thing being done by Greenpeace that it is opposing the DPC for no proper reasons

Manohar said...

I muscularly support the construction of Dhamra port as it lends a hand for the upgrading of rank of Orissa , in fact our India needs this type of expansion, TATA can undertake to give an opportunity for these NGOs to unravel this issue in a genuine way, if still it is not solved then TATA should just go on with its construction

Unknown said...

The right to development is the measure of the respect of all other human rights.That should be our aim: a situation in which all individuals are enabled to maximize their potential, and to contribute to the evolution of society as a whole.TATA has gone to all the norms and regulations required to built the port ,it will defnitely provide good infrastructure and also will provide employment,since tata is a prestigious company it wont work against the enviorment and the construction is going to be 25 kms away from the breeding place and i am sure that it wont affect the breeding of the turtles ,i fully support the dhamra project

Unknown said...

Olive ridley turtles are totally safe from the construction of Dhamra Port. As this port has got all the environmental clearence. Moreover Dhamra port is 25 kms. far from Gahirmatha. The Greenpeace should know that Dhamra Port doesn't harm the olive ridley turtles. But, infact stands as a backbone for the growth of Orrisa state.

Unknown said...

Till date agriculture is the main occupation of orissa's cittizens and hence, Orissa state's economy was also dependent on agriculture. But, the production of food grains has considerably fluctuated over the years due to natural calamities. Now, the growth and production of the Food and other agricultural products have come down affecting economy of Orissa State. In such a state, TATA has come forward to help, develop and build a New orissa state, which promises many jobs and livelihood to the local citizens also helps to build orissa a strong economic state. I stronglt support Dhamra port construction.

Unknown said...

Green peace after protesting against TATA as enemies of Olive Ridley Turtles for last few years, it is ridiculous to know that they are still protesting in the name after turtles after turtles recently arrived for nesting in Orissa. It's a shame on Greenpeace for misusing the cause and trying to stop TATA from building the port. It is Greenpeace who are real enemies of India, staying inside India trying to stop the development, Infrastructure and Economical growth of Orissa State and the country. Greenpeace should be banned from India.

Unknown said...

Orissa has a rich land but, many people from orissa after their schooling migrate to different states of the country hunting for jobs. The reason, to earn daily daily bread, support their families back in orissa and the unemployment in Orissa state. The two key reasons for the state’s poverty is due to repeated natural calamities and lacking of high quality infrastructure and improper utilization of its vast mineral resources. Now, TATA has come forward to give a new look to Orissa state by providing jobs, infrastructure and help growth of of Orissa state economy. It's a great job indeed. I whole heartedly support the port construction.

Unknown said...

The stories of Olive Ridley Turtles and Dhamra Port project in Orissa have been much spoken topics in Orissa and other major cities of India. This could be due to the considerable attention given to endangered species of Olive Ridley turtles and their nesting grounds in Orissa. But, why don’t NGOs like Greenpeace also think about the humans living in Orissa? Indeed, saving turtles from dying is a heroic act but, stopping the development, Infrastructure and economy growth of Orissa on which thousands of Orissa locals would make their living in future, well what do you call this act as? Can we call it as human sacrifice to save turtles? This is ridiculous; Greenpeace should also give the equal importance to the human feelings and developments. TATA is doing a great job, I support the Dhamra port construction.

Anonymous said...

We must understand the role of human rights as empowering of individuals and communities. By protecting these rights, we can help prevent the many conflicts based on poverty, discrimination and exclusion (social, economic and political) that continue to plague humanity and destroy decades of development efforts. The vicious circle of human rights violations that lead to conflicts-which in turn lead to more violations-must be broken. I believe we can break it only by ensuring respect for all human rights, It is really good to know that atleast TATA has taken an initiative to develop Orissa State. I hope this would bring in a balanced livelihood, employment and at par infrastructure and business for overall development development of Orissa Citizens and state

Unknown said...

People are bound to fall to emotional subjects and some NGOs are well known to trap people using this as a weak point. Most of those people wont have any thorough knowledge about the subject. NGOs misusing this to make money or fame or just to create a hype by mis-guiding people, this is something really important one has to think about. I support the TATA Dhamra port construction.

Unknown said...

If an NGO is talking about the ridley turtles, generally all animal lovers would come forward to help, but,before that person could gain some knowledge about turtles and the facts, he would have been attended/approached by various means,in the name of education or saving animals and would have been brain washed to an extent that he would stop thinking about knowing things on his own and would blindly accept what is said to him as real facts. Greenpeace should stop playing such tricks and help support build a strong nation.

Unknown said...

I am an environmentalist and I also know the fact about this campaign is that, the port in question is 25 kilometers or more than away from the nesting place of ridley olives, but, Greenpeace and their campaigners do not mention that and other fact is, thousands of turtles have come and gone in the last couple of years, even after the construction started, but, Greenpeace also doesn't mention this nor ready to
agree on this. Here the question is why? let facts be facts why does Greenpeace wants to hide these facts and divert and make a big issue on what is actually not required?

Unknown said...

I love turtles. I am also well aware that TATA constructing a port would help the poor and would also raise a little status of the Orissa locals. I support Dhamra port construction.

Unknown said...

When a question comes about the Choosing turtles and Port construction, I would choose both. In recent times, it is learnt that Turtles had come for nesting even when Port was under construction, then there is no question about the fact that the port is constructed at a far away place which is actually not disturbing the the turtles and due to this reason they have come. So, now it is for us to decide whether we can support TATA to build a port which would provide jobs, business, infrastructure and helps locals and orissa state government to improve their economic status... I strongly support the TATA for Port construction.

Megha said...

I want to bring one thing into the notice of Green peace that TATA is actually trying to make Orissa people to be more kind and generous towards Olive Ridleys by constructing Dhamra port, otherwise people try to work illegally for their living at the place
Of Nesting of Turtles, So if Green peace really wants to save the turtles it shouls support Tata.

Dilip said...

Nature has always created things with interdependence, on each other that may be of man on nature or between varieties of creatures. But in this issue of Dhamra port constructions, is seems like interdependency is not among man & nature, but it is among the Green peace and the other political matters by which the NGO’s will be benefited.

Karthikeya said...

What these NGO's are trying to achieve? Whether they want to save environment or
they want to create big names by cropping up such controversies.
In this issue one can plainly notice that this is not a struggle for environmental protection,
this is a big game created by this Greenpeace or other such NGO's with some self-seeking motto behind that.

harish said...

If we turn back to our bygone days we can perceive that, from the day one, man is all the time in the rear of inventing some new things which made him to succeed in his path, this is solely for the reason that he had tough desire of experimenting new things to get the best out of it, & his same struggle is on till today, for which Dhamra port construction is another example, and it should not stop because of any kind of obstructions.

Unknown said...

You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.TATA should go with the dhamra port ,not to bothered about the ngos ,since the tata is showing the sincere effort to safeguard the turtles ,it is following all the norms and regulations and with the necessary guidance from the dpcl it wont have any problem for the breeding of the turtles.we all should support dhamra port for the people of orissa.

Ashok said...

Gahirmatha is utterly distant from the place of Dhamra port construction. Turtles will be safe and sound even after the port construction. Green peace is trying to drag the public in erroneous path. I vote for Tata & construction of port.

Ganesh said...

Green peace is using the Olive Ridly Turtles as their weapon to succeed in their immoral plan.
Because if we study the facts of this dispute, Turtles cannot at all be involved in this issue as they are no where harmed by the construction of Dhamra port. Green peace which is recognized as an international organization should not make these kind of cheap tricks.

veena said...

I strongly shore up for the construction of Dhamra port, which helps for the expansion of Orissa State. The construction gives employment for the fisherman and other people.
And on the otherside, turtles are not at all concerned to this issue.

mohit said...

Our people should focus on the expansion of our country rather than believing the self-centered catchphrases of NGO’s like Greenpeace.
These kind of NGO’s are corrupting people by fake evidence, which will lead our public in immoral pathway.

rashmi said...

I request our people to understand the real intension of Green peace which is forcing everyone to oppose Dhamra port construction, and our youth should support the establishment of Orissa and our country.

Unknown said...

We all know that human rights cannot just be transplanted as external principles into individuals or their communities. Human rights principles must be internalized by each individual, women and men, and must be absorbed and expressed in their own ways and within the positive aspects of their cultural values and beliefs. In order for this to happen, we must believe that these rights will protect them and not expose them in a battle against the society. They do weigh the social costs of entering into conflict as opposed to the benefits coming from the status quo.
taking into the context of the matter of dhamraport,GREENPEACE should not make such a hue and cry infact they should work with the TATA to safe guard the turtles amd more than anything else the people of orissa.i concur and support the dhamra port,

shruti said...

Olive Ridley turtles are coming every year to Gahirmatha Marine Sanctuary for nesting in the warm eastern sand. In the same way they came this year and nested between March 21st to March 24th. Already this year’s nesting has been completed . Even now why this Greenpeace is dragging this issue with the same reason of turtles

patrick said...

However TATA has made an effort to solve this issue amicably and called Greenpeace for the conversation. But it seems Greenpeace is not ready to unravel this issue. They are heaving the issue for no reasons.
Tata should now carry on with its project of construction.

tejas said...

Its high time now, Tata should not wait because of Green peace.
If Tata group is confident in its path, it should just go on with its construction work.
I shore up for Tata and Dhamra port construction.

pracheta said...

After knowing all the facts & figures of this issue, I am seriously worried about our Nation. Foreign Organizations like Green peace are planning to suppress the development of our country. Our people should understand this and should support to improve our country.

nithin said...

Even now people support NGO’s believing that they work for some genuine reasons or to protect our planet. But NGO’s like Greenpeace are making a fuss of standards of these NGO’s. I really feel sad for that. Any how it should not be successful in the issue of Dharma port construction

Unknown said...

We are built to conquer environment, solve problems, achieve goals, and we find no real satisfaction or happiness in life without obstacles to conquer and goals to acheive.gahirmatha is very far away from the dhamraport.its really ridiculous on the part of GREENPEACE to object the construction of dhamra port,they should sit with Tata negotiate the matter with the concerned authorties and help the TATA to construct the dhamra port,since the port is coming 25 kms from the breeding of the turtles it wont affect the the nesting.greenpeace also should look into the life of people of orissa. we all support the dhamra port construction,

Unknown said...

It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause, who at best knows achievement and who at the worst if he fails at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.TATA should go with the construction of dhamra port,since it is the infrastructure project critical for the development of orissa ,and since so many people are involved to safeguard the marine lifes and breeding of theturtles ,GREENPEACE should also work with government and the tatas to develop the port,human lives is as important as the life of turtles.i support the dhamra port.

divya said...

By constructing the Dhamra port, lot many Fishermen will dig up with the employment for their life which helps to save the fishes and also turtles, otherwise the fishing trawlers continue to sail even, during the time of nesting
So the best way to save these creatures is supporting the construction of port

mansi said...

Greenpeace is not having any intensions to save the turtles, it is just pretending in front of public to save turtles, or else it would not have stopped the development of orissa by the name of Turtles which are not at all harmed by the port construction

mukesh said...

NGO’s are the organizations which have to struggle for the sake of saving the planet. But how can they forget their main aim or motto and involve in some industrial issues which is nowhere related to their complaints

Anonymous said...

In life, many thoughts are born in the course of a moment, an hour, a day. Some are dreams, some visions. Often, we are unable to distinguish between them. To some, they are the same; however, not all dreams are visions. Much energy is lost in fanciful dreams that never bear fruit. But visions are messages from the Great Spirit, each for a different purpose in life. Consequently, one person's vision may not be that of another. To have a vision, one must be prepared to receive it, and when it comes, to accept it. Thus when these inner urges become reality, only then can visions be fulfilled. The spiritual side of life knows everyone's heart and who to trust. How could a vision ever be given to someone to harbor if that person could not be trusted to carry it out. The message is simple: commitment precedes vision.TATA has a vision to built the dhamra port,for the people of orissa,greenpeace who is objecting to the port that they should balance between enviorment and development since the port is going to be handed over to the government once when it is completed,green peace should work with the government of orissa and solve the problem with proper negotations,instead of making so much fuss.we fully support the dhamra port.

chirag said...

Tata is actually trying to solve the employment problem of orissa in a legal way, by giving the employment for the fishermen who make their earnings through illegal fishing. If Tata stops the port construction, the illegal activities will be more and the threats for Turtles will be even more

ram said...

The only way to save our country from these kinds of NGO’s is to make the public to understand about the selfish intension behind the comments of these NGO’s and public should judge them stop supporting them.,

Unknown said...

The conception of worth, that each person is an end per se, is not a mere abstraction. Our interest in it is not merely academic. Every outcry against the oppression of some people by other people, or against what is morally hideous is the affirmation of the principle that a human being as such is not to be violated. A human being is not to be handled as a tool but is to be respected and revered.In the same way we should respect the TATA for undertaking the prestigious dhamra port ,its not only going to improve the infrastructure of orissa its also going to help the people of poverty stricken orissa.Greenpeace should suppport this dhamraport for the people of orissa,since the dpcl has taken necessary steps to safeguard the marine life,and even the government is going to take over the port after its peace should settle the matter in the intrest of the people o f orissa.

Unknown said...

I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors.this enables the people to move with the times as per as the requirement of the people.TATA has coming out with the prestigious dhamraport in orissa in view of the adverse affect of the people of orissa for the changing times.greenpeace should support this project instead of making so much hue and cry.since after completion of the project government of orissa is taking over the will definitely safeguard the safety of the marine i concur and fully support the dhamra port.

Unknown said...

It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause, who at best knows achievement and who at the worst if he fails at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.TATA has a vision to built the dhamra port,for the people of orissa,greenpeace who is objecting to the port that they should balance between enviorment and development since the port is going to be handed over to the government once when it is completed,green peace should work with the government of orissa and solve the problem with proper negotations,instead of making so much fuss.we fully support the dhamra port

Unknown said...

The essence of democracy is its assurance that every human being should so respect himself and should be so respected in his own personality that he should have opportunity equal to that of every other human being to show what he was meant to become.Can anything be sadder than work left unfinished? Yes; work never begun.There is no security on this earth. Only opportunity.TATA is using this opportunity to built the dhamra port in orissa,Green peace after protesting against TATA as enemies of Olive Ridley Turtles,they are trying to get the political mileage for their vested intrest,tata should unduly worry about the greenpeace it should construct the dhamraport for the people of orissa under the proper guidelines from the government.

Unknown said...

Everyone has a right to peaceful coexistence, the basic personal freedoms, the alleviation of suffering, and the opportunity to lead a productive life.TATA is doing a wonderful job by constructing the dhamraport for the people of orissa,it will definitely improve the infrastructure and naturally there will be a growth in the economy for the people of orissa .green peace is taking a unjust stand by opposing the project,green peace should understand that the people of orissa specially living the coastal areas live well below the poverty line this dhamra port is a boon to them,since the TATA is taking necessary guidelines to safeguard the marine life and the breeding of the turtles.and also the dhamraport is coming 25kms away from the breeding is no way going to affect the breeding od the turtles .so we all should support the dhamra port.

karuna said...

State of affairs will be affecting the goals and bring a pause in the achievements, but this cannot stop the progress of the country. Any times this happens in the journey of success, but ultimate joy is in getting triumph over these obstacles. So, TATA, never lose sight of your goal.

Unknown said...

The strike, the boycott, the refusal to serve, the ability to paralyze the functioning of a complex social structure-these remain potent weapons against the most fearsome state or corporate power.TATA is coming up with the prestigious dhamra port,GREENPEACE which is globally recognised NGO is trying to hamper the development. Dhamra port construction will not harm Gahirmatha turtle breeding which is nearly 25 to 30 kilometers far-off from the place of port construction. So, it is an imprudent thing being done by Greenpeace .TATA should not stop the construction of dhamra port

Unknown said...

Criticism of Greenpeace
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During its history, Greenpeace has been criticized by a number of groups. These include governments such as Germany, industries such as BP and political groups such as the US republican party . The organization's use of non-violent direct action has also caused controversy.

Contents [hide]
1 Criticisms
1.1 Anti-DDT Campaign and Resurgence of Malaria
1.2 Anti-GMO campaigns
1.3 Nuclear power
1.4 Greener Electronics campaign
2 Blunders
2.1 Coral destruction
2.2 Removal of ancient tree
2.3 Mistaken deforestation
2.4 Press release blunder
3 References

[edit] Criticisms
Some critics have said the organisation is too mainstream. Paul Watson, who was pushed out of Greenpeace in the 1970s and later founded Sea Shepherd, once called Greenpeace "the Avon ladies of the environmental movement," because of their door-to-door fund-raising that relies on the media exposure of deliberately orchestrated and highly publicized actions to keep the name of Greenpeace on the front pages. Bradley Angel, who organized communities in California and Arizona for Greenpeace, split to found Greenaction in 1997. Greenpeace had summarily shut down its community-building operations, terminating more than 300 employees in the US alone, in what Mr Angel called "a betrayal".[1]

A prominent critic of Greenpeace is Icelandic filmmaker Magnus Gudmundsson, director of a documentary Survival in the High North. Gudmundsson's criticisms have focused largely on the social impacts of anti-whaling and anti-sealing campaigns which have had disastrous affects on the native people of Iceland, Greenland and Canada who depend on these activities to make a living. Due to extensive efforts on the part of Greenpeace[clarification needed], Gudmundsson's documentary was judged libellous by a Norwegian court in 1992 and he was ordered to pay damages to Greenpeace. Similarly, a Danish tribunal held that the allegations against Greenpeace about faking video materials were unfounded. Many media that published Gudmundsson's allegations have subsequently retracted and apologized (e.g. the Irish Sunday Business Post and TVNZ).
please post your opinion after going through the link

Unknown said...

green peace are more interested to gain popularity for their vested interested .instead of protecting the enviorment on the behest of funders they try to manipulate things in their favour,i wish green peace be banned

Unknown said...

janetmisoram said...
In 1971 an environmental and antiwar ethic was taking root in Canada, and I chose to participate. As I completed a Ph.D. in ecology, I combined my science background with the strong media skills of my colleagues. In keeping with our pacifist views, we started Greenpeace.

But I later learned that the environmental movement is not always guided by science. As we celebrate Earth Day today, this is a good lesson to keep in mind.

At first, many of the causes we championed, such as opposition to nuclear testing and protection of whales, stemmed from our scientific knowledge of nuclear physics and marine biology. But after six years as one of five directors of Greenpeace International, I observed that none of my fellow directors had any formal science education. They were either political activists or environmental entrepreneurs. Ultimately, a trend toward abandoning scientific objectivity in favor of political agendas forced me to leave Greenpeace in 1986.Sadly, Greenpeace has evolved into an organization of extremism and politically motivated agendas. Its antichlorination campaign failed, only to be followed by a campaign against polyvinyl chloride.

Greenpeace now has a new target called phthalates (pronounced thal-ates). These are chemical compounds that make plastics flexible. They are found in everything from hospital equipment such as IV bags and tubes, to children's toys and shower curtains. They are among the most practical chemical compounds in existence.The European Union banned the use of phthalates in toys prior to completion of a comprehensive risk assessment on DINP. That assessment ultimately concluded that the use of DINP in infant toys poses no measurable risk.

The antiphthalate activists are running a campaign of fear to implement their political agenda. They have seen success in California, with a state ban on the use of phthalates in infant products, and are pushing for a national ban. This fear campaign merely distracts the public from real environmental threats.

We all have a responsibility to be environmental stewards. But that stewardship requires that science, not political agendas, drive our public policy.

Mr. Moore, co-founder and former leader of Greenpeace, is chairman and chief scientist of Greenspirit Strategies.
pls post your opinion after going to the web link.

Unknown said...

International green peace movement can be more benificial to the mass if the resources are directed to the poor and needy in 3rd world countries. What is it to save the world when millions are dying at peace have become more of a political agenda

Unknown said...

Criticism of Greenpeace.
Does anyone know if this report is accurate ?

"Activists Attack Greenpeace over Anti-GM Tactics," Reuters (news
service), July 31, 1999, by Simon Gardner

Greenpeace came under fire from fellow environmental groups on July
29, accused of damaging the credibility of anti-GM campaigns by
destroying a genetically modified crop earlier in the week.

Both Friends of the Earth and organic farming group the Soil
Association were cited as condemning Greenpeace's attitude towards GM
crops, saying the group was not giving science a chance.

Greenpeace protesters wrecked half a test crop of genetically modified
maize in Norfolk on July 26 by flattening the crop with a tractor.

Helen Browning, chairman of the Soil Association, was quoted as
telling the British Broadcasting Corporation [BBC] current affairs
program Newsnight that, "You cannot go around trashing crops and
breaking the law. We can protest in other ways. Being destructive is
only going to turn the farming community in on itself."

A Friends of the Earth spokesman was quoted as saying, "What
Greenpeace has done here is wrong. The principal reason for
supporting or opposing the use of GM crops must be scientific. The
price that we will pay for not allowing proper science to underpin the
decision making process is a very high one indeed. I don't believe
Greenpeace has taken into account the loss of credibility [to] the
environment movement as a whole."
visit and post after viewing the web link.

Unknown said...

Green peace is just a waste of resources monetarily and human. Its purpose can be done by investing in school level and college level studies curiculum rather than in NGO

Unknown said...

U.S. takes hard line on Greenpeace
Bush critics say use of obscure law smacks of retribution
Nov. 14, 2003 - When Greenpeace activists illegally scrambled aboard the cargo ship APL Jade, it was the start of a pretty typical day. Convinced the ship was hauling contraband mahogany from Brazil, the environmentalists aimed to draw attention to it by unfurling a banner with this message: “President Bush, Stop Illegal Logging.” Their arrests by the Coast Guard were also part of a day’s work. But the later use of an obscure 19th century law to charge the entire organization with criminal conspiracy has Greenpeace defenders claiming that they are the target of U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft’s attempts to stifle political criticism of the government.

The Greenpeace demonstration off the coast of Florida on April 12, 2002, was one of a series of similar “direct actions” taken by the international organization near ports around the world as it attempted to draw attention to the mahogany shipment, which violated a Brazilian moratorium on mahogany lumbering in the Amazon, and violated the international treaty controlling trade in endangered species, CITES.

It was standard practice for the international organization, which for more than three decades has used this in-your-face method to fight for causes it deems just. It is a method of civil disobedience that has been used by activists on both ends of the political spectrum, from civil rights campaigners to anti-abortion groups. In Florida, as in the mahogany protests elsewhere, a handful of individuals were charged with minor crimes and released shortly thereafter.
Greenpeace, say the case is of “profound importance” because it “imperils the core values of the Constitution.”

‘For 200 years, the United States government has refrained from prosecuting advocacy groups whose members occasionally engage in peaceful civil disobedience to convey a constitutionally protected message.’


“For two hundred years, the United States government has refrained from prosecuting advocacy groups whose members occasionally engage in peaceful civil disobedience to convey a constitutionally protected message,” they wrote in their brief. “The prosecution of Greenpeace indicates a sea change in that policy.”

Greenpeace, which has led an aggressive pro-environmental campaign since its founding in 1971, has been at odds with the Bush administration since its earliest days in office, decrying the president’s position on the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act, staging protests against the National Missile Defense Initiative and the opening of roads on national forest land. Just a few months after Bush took office, Greenpeace activists climbed a water tower near his ranch in Crawford, Texas, and unfurled a banner that read: “Bush the Toxic Texan, Don’t Mess with the Earth.” They were arrested after a two-hour stand-off during which they refused to climb down, ignoring demands by the mayor, the county sheriff and the Secret Service.

“We have been critics across the board,” says John Passacantando, executive director of Greenpeace.

He says the organization has never before been challenged at this level in the United States, and characterizes it as the way the Justice Department operates under Ashcroft.

“The parallel I see is with the McCarthy era — the overreach by the government to stifle its critics,” he says. “It is a fight we are willing to take on ... a fight for our right to dissent peacefully in this country in areas we think society is wrong.”

Greenpeace will seek additional discovery to lay out what went into the decision to charge Greenpeace, says legal counsel Tom Wetterer. “We have found no previous examples of where the government has charged an organization for a political protest,” he says.

“The prosecution, if indeed it is selective, amounts to nothing more than an act of intimidation by the government, apparently directed at silencing political speech,” says the ACLU/PAWF brief

Unknown said...

The need of present India is a sustainable investment in infrastructure and social well being. There is too big gap between the elite and the mojority poor. Focusing more in this issue will bear more result as carbon credit is now implemented to many industries in India. Unlike the developed country6 India carbon emission is quite vety low. Greenould focus developed nation

Unknown said...

Hon. William M. Thomas

Committee on Ways and Means
U.S. House of Representatives
1102 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515

Dear Chairman Thomas:

On behalf of the Center for Individual Freedom, I write to ask that the Committee on Ways and Means investigate and hold hearings on abuses of tax-exempt status by non-profit organizations in general, and violations committed by the group Greenpeace in particular.

While tax violations by for-profit corporations have for some time captured legislative, regulatory, media, and public attention, similar violations by non-profits have gone largely unnoticed. Because of the magnitude of the budgets involved — and the magnitude of the corresponding impact on taxpayers — it would be prudent to bring this issue to the forefront.

To explain how non-profits routinely circumvent federal tax laws, Public Interest Watch, a non-profit watchdog, recently issued a report on the financial practices of Greenpeace. The report documents how during a three-year period Greenpeace Fund, Inc., diverted over $24 million in tax-deductible contributions to related entities for use in non-qualifying programs. In doing so, Greenpeace Fund, Inc., violated both the letter and the spirit of the law under which it was chartered, IRC Section 501(c)(3), cheating taxpayers in the process.

What makes the practice illegal is the way in which Greenpeace collects money required by law to be applied toward "educational" programs, and then shifts that money for use by groups that instead conduct "advocacy" and "direct action" programs. These other groups, known as 501(c)(4) organizations, are allowed to conduct such activities, but not using tax-deductible funds.

Public Interest Watch explains that during the period examined, Greenpeace Fund, Inc., illegally made contributions to 501(c)(4) organizations as follows:

$3.8 million to Greenpeace, Inc., in 1998;

$4 million to Greenpeace International and other affiliates in 1998;

$4.25 million to Greenpeace, Inc., in 1999;

$3.8 million to Greenpeace International and other affiliates in 1999;

$4.5 million to Greenpeace, Inc., in 2000;

$3.7 million to Greenpeace International in 2000; and

$0.8 million to Greenpeace affiliates in foreign countries in 2000.

Examples of "advocacy" and "direct action" activities conducted by Greenpeace, Inc., and Greenpeace International that do not qualify under 501(c)(3) include:

Campaigning against genetically-modified crops;

Blockading a naval base in protest of the war in Iraq;

Boarding an oil tanker for a "banner hang";

Breaking into the central control building of a nuclear power station; and

Padlocking the gates of a government research facility.

In light of the scandals perpetrated in the corporate world, it follows that those with the authority should work to eliminate similar misdeeds in the non-profit world. If specific actions are not taken against specific violations, then those non-profit corporations that strive to operate within the letter and spirit of the law which governs our status are put at a deficit. We therefore urge the Committee on Ways and Means to hold hearings on the matter and take appropriate action to bring Greenpeace into compliance with the law.

We thank you for your consideration.


Jeffrey Mazzella

Executive Director

cc: Speaker Dennis Hastert
cc: Majority Leader Tom DeLay
and post u r comment

Unknown said...

green peace are the bunch of liars view the youtube and know more about the clandestine activities of green peace

Unknown said...

Greenpeace fined for reef damage

Greenpeace divers were inspecting Tubbataha's reefs for damage
Environmental group Greenpeace has been fined almost $7,000 (£4,000) for damaging a coral reef at a World Heritage site in the Philippines.
Their flagship Rainbow Warrior II ran aground at Tubbataha Reef Marine Park, in the Sulu Sea, 650km (400 miles) south-east of Manila.

Park officials said almost 100 sq m (1,076 sq ft) of reef had been damaged.

Greenpeace agreed to pay the fine, but blamed the accident on outdated maps provided by the Philippines government.

"The chart indicated we were a mile and a half" from the coral reef when the ship ran aground, regional Greenpeace official Red Constantino told AFP news agency.

"This accident could have been avoided if the chart was accurate," he said, adding, however, that Greenpeace felt "responsible" for the damage.

'Immediate action'

The accident happened while the Rainbow Warrior was on a four-month tour of the Asia-Pacific region to promote environmentally-friendly energy sources.

Greenpeace divers were at the Tubbataha park, off the coast of Palawan island, to inspect the effect of global warming on the coral reef.

The Rainbow Warrior escaped serious damage
Mr Constantino said the reef appeared to be healthy, with no evidence of bleaching which is believed to be caused by warmer sea temperatures.

The Rainbow Warrior II escaped serious damage and was towed into deeper water by its own rubber boats.

Tubbataha park manager, Angelique Songco, praised the work Greenpeace was doing to protect the environment.

"We also appreciate the immediate action they took to get the full assessment of the damage," she said.

Unknown said...

Greenpeace protest e.g. high sea drama's and stand in pritest inindia of TATA contruction site for Olive turtle is mostly motivated for publicity stunts. It's an activist against law and order.

Unknown said...

Exposure Of The Greenpeace Lies About GM Foods
Letters To The Editor
The Courier-Mail, 16th February,2005
Ed Newbigin, School of Botany, University of Melbourne, Victoria.
Greenpeace's Jeremy Tager (Letters, Feb 15) refers to the myths of the genetic engineering industry, but then produces his own myth by saying that animals that eat GE [Genetically Engineered] food "frequently show serious effects". Wrong. Numerous studies attest to the fact that animals that eat GE food as part of a normal diet do as well as animals that eat conventional food. Greenpeace does the community a great disservice by spreading such myths.

Tony Coulepis, executive director, AusBiotech, Richmond, Victoria
Greenpeace will lose any claim to represent consumers if it continues to misinform them. GM [Genetically Modified] crops and foods, derived from biotechnology, are the most rigorously tested foods in history. Any GM crop on the market, and many have been available for 10 years, has been shown by independent government regulators to be safe for animals and humans alike

Unknown said...

Greenpeace Reacts to Ecoterrorism
Ecoterrorism is an outrage to groups like Greenpeace, who promote environmentally healthy practices without the arson.

Greenpeace USA does not endorse the Earth Liberation Front. National director John Passacantando says they oppose violence in any form whether it's directed towards people or property.

Passacantando doesn't think the public or government will lump Greenpeace with other more radical groups. He says they've never had that happen, but they're very careful to make sure people know the difference. He says they're very public in stating they oppose all forms of violence whether it's foreign wars by the US government or destruction of property by people with agendas here in the US.

Could the people of Greenpeace reach out to ELF and act as a sort of mentorship for peace? Passacantando says there's no occasion for reaching out and he wouldn't even know who to contact.

Passacantando believes educating people about the environment is the best tool of persuasion. He says the greats have taught us that love is the force more powerful, so burning down someone's house for any reason is not going to advance anyone's cause.
visit the site below to know more about it.

Unknown said...

Economy versus Enviroment. Let us be aware that environment is not stable, Its on changes and natural compitition and section. Economy is one of everyone right to live a good life. Therefore a group like one of greenpeace may serve more a way of employment rather than save the future.

Unknown said...

Terrorism in the Name of the Earth
Flush out eco-terrorism money

On Sept. 22, the charitable oversight group Public Interest Watch filed a complaint with the IRS charging Greenpeace with making such illegal transfers. In a report entitled "Green-Peace, Dirty Money: Tax Violations in the World of Non-Profits," Public Interest Watch found that Greenpeace Fund, a 501(c)(3) transferred more than $10 million in exempt funds to nonexempt Greenpeace organizations such as Greenpeace, Inc. , between 1998 and 2000. Greenpeace, Inc., and other nonexempt Greenpeace entities benefiting from these transfers have committed numerous acts of eco-terrorism. They have blockaded a U.S. naval base, broken into the central control building of a nuclear power station in England, overrun the Exxon-Mobil corporate headquarters in Texas, and rammed a ship into the French sailboat competing in the 2003 America's Cup,

permanently damaging the vessel.

In April 2002, Greenpeace activists forcibly boarded a cargo ship in Florida carrying Brazilian wood. In connection with this incident, federal prosecutors indicted Greenpeace in July for violating an 1872 law prohibiting the unauthorized boarding of "any vessel about to arrive at the place of her destination." (The trial is scheduled for December).

Greenpeace isn't alone in funneling tax-exempt dollars into eco-terrorism efforts. According to the Center for Consumer Freedom, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has donated at least $70,000 from its tax-exempt coffers to the ALF. Assistant U.S. Attorney Timothy Verhey, who prosecuted the 1992 ALF firebombing of a Michigan State University laboratory, has noted the challenge of prosecuting eco-terrorists because of "a lack of witnesses and the group's 'cell' structure that lacks centralized leadership or a membership roster."

The difficulty in nabbing individual eco-terrorists is precisely why it is critically important that the IRS do its part to immobilize eco-terrorism groups by investigating the illegal use of tax-exempt funds to bankroll their crimes. Eco-terrorism is a scourge on society and a sordid stain on the wholesome causes of nonviolent environmentalists. Let's put the peace back into Greenpeace and protect the environment through vigilance, not vigilantism.
visit this below site for further details.

Unknown said...

movement of any kind require motivation and implementing its goals and not just highlighting issues of miniscule proportion when there are far vital ones to be addressed around the globe. Each organization should learn to introspect and learn of thier limitations.

Unknown said...

Greenpeace and the Hidden Truth about Dhamra
Greenpeace is a well known Non-Government Organization across the Globe. For the last couple of years, there has been talks and attempts made by Greenpeace with TATAs on the issue of Dhamra Port construction. Though there had been a speculation that the Turtles which come for breeding once in a year to Orissa would get affected by building this Port, Scientists, Researchers and Government bodies have made a thorough analysis on this issue and have come to a clear conclusion that there is no harm for Turtles due to the Port construction.
When we look back to the last years focusing the talks Greenpeace had with TATAs office regarding Port and Turtle issue, following are the actual facts in chronological order, we can judge Greenpeace –
In the year 2004, after discussing with WWF- India, BNHS, Mr. Kartik Shankar, Mr. Bittu Sehagal and others, Tata Steel signed the Joint Venture agreement with L&T to build the port at Dhamra. In this regard, Tata Steel also agreed upon a proposal to make a further study on the impact of the Port on turtles and monitoring the impact of the Dhamra Port of the marine and island eco-system.
In the year 2005, BNHS and WWF-India agreed to study on the above issues. But, since there were no reasons specified to make this study they expressed their inability to do this without assigning a specific reason.
In March 2006, Chairman of TATA Sons replied to Executive Director, Greenpeace India, stating commitments have to be honored from both ends. As per the earlier discussions, construction of the port was withheld which was suppose to start in November 2005 and completed in March 2006. But, since Greenpeace didn’t come forward to jointly do this research, the study never saw light. Infact, The Managing Director of TATAs had met Greenpeace officials in their Bangalore office.
In January 2008, a meeting was organized between Greenpeace and TATA Steel and the list of concerns regarding Dhamra Port and Turtles were listed. On 8th March 2008 DPCL gave a detailed point wise reply to the list of concerns raised by Greenpeace and subsequent points were also clarified on 3rd May 2008.
On 23rd October 2008, MD, Tata Steel along with senior executives of Tata Steel, L&T and DPCL met Greenpeace, BNHS, WPSI, Wild Life Society of Orissa, Sanctuary Asia and other environmental organizations to discuss the concerns related to Turtles and Dhamra Port and discuss how to take this issue further.
On 20th Feb 2009, a fourth meeting was organized in Kolkata. Tata Steel, L&T and DPCL agreed to conduct the additional biological impact assessment in close collaboration with NGOs and environmental organizations. This team was lead by mutually agreed upon scientists.
On 27th August 2009, 102nd Annual General Meeting of Tata Steel was organized in Mumbai. During the meet Greenpeace succeeded to bring in Retd. Admiral Ramdas and his wife Mrs. Lalita Ramdas to discuss issues related to Turtle and Dhamra Port.
Earlier in 2008, around 40 Indian Parliament Members (MPs) had written a letter to MOEF and Orissa Assembly to bring in a resolution to stop Greenpeace from doing any anti-Government activities and ban Greenpeace in the State of Orissa as false allegations were made on construction of Dhamra Port. Soon after this incident, Greenpeace started blaming TATAs without having any scientific data as evidence.
TATA Group and TATA Steel are always ready to openly discuss with Greenpeace or any other Non-Government/Environment Organization on any issue related to Environment and their company. Since, Greenpeace didn’t have any authentic document/evidence to prove against Dhamra Port issue, they were not ready to go forward to discuss with TATAs. Instead, Greenpeace started posting anti-TATA write-up on their blog and twitter postings
Hope the visit of Admiral Ramdas and Mrs. Lalita Ramdas to the site and understanding of the ground situations will facilitate constructive progress on this matter.