Saturday, April 21, 2007

"Net surfing and socializing costs Indian companies about 8hrs per employee per month!"

What a blatant claim, blaming internet is not going to increase efficiencies in offices! The only way to increase efficiency in office is to get the employees interested in what they are doing. SUch type of "The office is a prision" mentality will never let a company come out on top.

I mean, before there was internet, did employees never waste time? SO maybe the corporations will think of banning coffe breaks and, news papers, and even casual comminication within employees!

The problem with many corporation managment strategies is that they rely too much on non radical ideas. The only companies that have risen above their competition are the ones who could think out of the box. Google is an excellent example. Microsoft has gotten started with a couple of people wearing Bermuda pants and geeky Tshirts. Are you telling me that Bill Gates or the other highly paid CEO (supposedly highly paid due to their efficiency) never surf the web?

The most innovative research is done in Universities by Grad students who spend hours and hours procrastinating in front of the computer (e.g. Yours Truly). It is infact believed that most grad students spend more time on their computers surfing than actually working. But its fine, since procrastination has its powers. Four hours of it can get you ready for two hours of solid research output then its worth it!

All I am saying is that, there is no point in trying to stifle people from doing what they love to do. India Inc. needs to think outside of the box. Get your employee to be interested to come to work the next day, and that will stop all your problems of attrition and inefficiency.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Welcome the magnormous Indian Cricket Idol

Subhash Chandra’s grand plan on starting up a complementing home cricket league are to be applauded. Its success is going to be huge, if simple reality shows like Bigg Boss or Indian Idol can machaofy dhoom in India, then a cricket championship with $1million in the looting will be the biggest hit of all time! Get your hands on in the action, buy the shares of whoever who wants to go with this thing. Any TV channel that is going to have the rights to this is going to make big money (its Zee most likely right now).

I am truly happy about the ICL, we have needed this thing for a long time, and I have been crying about it on my blog since India lost.

The boost to Indian cricket through supplying them with players is one thing (its probably going to take some time), but cricket starved Indian public is going to jump on this, and cricket viewer starved Indian corporations are going to roll big money. With the economy in the state it is right now, it almost seems that the first and foremost effect of the ICL will be a big boost to the sport-economy of India.