Friday, July 11, 2008

Google ad sense and the lemonade stand

So most of you must have noticed the new addition to the blog. The one on the top rightmost corner is called a lemonade stand ( And the ads below that are the ubiquitous google adsense ads.

So why did I put these up? Don't worry, its not like I am going to quit my awesome job of being a graduate student based on the dollars that these ads are going to make me. The whole point of putting these on is to see how these adsense engines function. It is interesting to see how they function and how you can deal with them.

I really like the concept of google adsense. The ability to deliver targeted content to relevant users is an amazing innovation that has changed the way ads are delivered online. Google adsense is proven. THe lemonade stand on the other hand, I am a bit sceptical about. I like the concept of allowing users to recommend products to their friends and relations who are most likely to share the same demographical taste as the users. However, their prices are a bit high, so I think the whole stand serves more as an advertising platform for the company than a money making tool for the one who portrays it. If this is the case, then its a pretty smart business model, but will not be a sustainable one. We shall see....

But for now, go on ahead and enjoy the ads!


Saturday, July 05, 2008

Windows and flexibility

Did you know that windows live hotmail does not work with firefox 3 . It forces you to use the classic version! Apparently firefox claims that people over at hotmails side are aware and are working on the problem. I wonder what other microsoft products don't work on firefox.

The whole rating thing for music and photos in windows live does not work with any other third party software. i.e. rating for songs given using explorer options are not compatible with winamp, or itunes. Is windows trying to traverse the apple path of fierce self propagation and protectionism? As in, are they trying to force users to use windows media player? IF they are, then that will be bad for them, its too late for one, and Apple is better at it.

MS Windows should try to stick to its ability to offer flexibility and be done with it! The flexibility that windows offers is their major strong point, in fact it is their market edge.

Software companies are really trying to carve and forcefully retain their own consumer base nowadays. It leaves us users feeling powerless and extremly annoyed!