Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Monkey army

It is said that Rama recruited an army of monkeys to fight against Ravana( the demon). I am sure, however, that those monkeys, even with their bloated faces, hairy bodies, flowing tails and in general other monkey like features had infinitely more human sense, than the so calls shiv sainiks.

Every year, as the world draws Cupid paintings and the sale of chocolates and red roses shoot up, our modern day shiv sainiks pull their behinds out of Mumbais ex dance bars, keep aside their fancy foreign liqueur, stop stuffing their faces along road side chinese dhabas and go around town breaking and vandalizing for the sake of "preservation of Indian culture".

They say that valentine's day celebrations are against Indian culture and destroy the values and ethics of this country. What culture are they talking about? Isn't India the country that gave the world the Kamasutra, a country which defined the meaning of physical love on a spiritual basis, and a culture that worships a legend who while having the incredible wisdom of writing the Gita has also the incredible humanness of running behind women and stealing their clothes?

Free expression of natural love for the sake of its spirituality has never been a taboo in the old Indian culture, only after the arrival of Muslims and middle eastern/medival western mentalities has the Indian culture has begun to hide the woman and scandalized any affection towards her. So the shiv sainiks, who apparently love hindutva and want to hold up for it, seem to have forgotten the basic morale and value of Hindutva: CHANGE WITH THE TIME!

If some people sell some stuff and make money on selling out the Cupid, what's their problem? Not only are they affecting the love struck youth but also degrading the economy and going against the Indian constitution which gives any of its citizens the freedom of chice in believing whatever fancies them. It is shocking that in a republican democracy such self appointed morale police actually exist and are tolerated by the public. These are nothing but mornoic petty criminals.

The only thing I can gather by this shiv sainik barrage against expressing love is that these people having never thought of women as anything but objects of physical desire, do not understand the spirituality of loving a woman.

I for one, am never going to vote for Bal Thackerey and his gang of monkeys again. Raj Thackrey on the other hand seems to have formed a more sensible party, a party that chooses to express its apathy towards the valentines day in a more peacefull manner.

These shiv sainiks are degrading and bringing shame to Shivaji's name much more than any scandals that Lain might like to picture the Chatrapati in.

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