Monday, September 11, 2006

Movin out...

So here I am, sitting in my new apartment on a warm Atlantan evening, typing my first blog since I sold my good old Imac back in Germany. WOW, it has been a long long long time since then. Infact, my last post was about Germany trying to win the world cup etc. I guess Germany's loss and my moving ro the USA with the Italy trip sandwitched in between sorta really pushed me aside from blogging. Anyway, I guess an update is in order:

SO we finally moved out of Germany, and a sad parting it was for us. Braunschweig, and its people had given me a lot in the last two and halfish years. My collegues at work, especially the ARTISANTS were probably the best collegues a guy could ask for, cool, helping, and at the same time resistive enough so that I would work hard. The project that I was blasting my head over (and blowing a lot of hot air) for the last two years finally took to the skies, ofcourse after a hell of lot of problems and bugs, but it flew finally, and it flew good, and in aerospace thats all that matters really! the rest is just a stack of papers.

I had made really a lot of cool friends back in Germany, I still havent quiet gotten over the fact that I wont be going to zeh very German PHYSIO gym anymore with Andreas, or no more crazy drunken parties with Joerg and the rest of the gang, or that there wont be any grilling evenings with Till, and most importantly no more crazy arguments with Preety. Its rather sad really, you move in to a different country, try to adjust yourselves to the custom and culture, learn a different langauge, try to make a living, and then you have to say goodbye and wrap up the whole thing. The only thing that does remain, are memories, and I made a heck of a lot of them....

Well,I am in Atlanta, Georgia, USA right now. PhDying at Gerogia tech, and its great too. I love the Atlantan weather, warm and cozy it is. Especially the fall evening, very sultry they are, just that little bit of haze around those skyscrapers, and that slowly fading Georgian warmth...


Anonymous said...

A humankind who dares to barrens anyone hour of every now has not discovered the value of life.



Anonymous said...

We should be painstaking and discriminating in all the information we give. We should be extraordinarily prudent in giving advice that we would not about of following ourselves. Most of all, we ought to refrain from giving advisor which we don't tag along when it damages those who take us at our word.



Anonymous said...

To be a upright lenient being is to from a make of openness to the world, an skill to group uncertain things beyond your own manage, that can lead you to be shattered in hugely extreme circumstances as which you were not to blame. That says something exceedingly outstanding with the condition of the honest autobiography: that it is based on a conviction in the uncertain and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a plant than like a prize, something fairly tenuous, but whose very item handsomeness is inseparable from that fragility.