Sunday, June 03, 2007


That's what I have been doing in the past few weeks. So many things have happened, I guess I should have at least said a word or two.

India has finally won the revenge series, proving once again our tigers roar really loudly at home. If nothing else, I would take the comeback of Sachin and Ganguly to be a good sign. Also that Jaffer and Karthink played is reassuring.

The markets have done the yoyo, but they seem pretty stable from this view right now. There has been a lot of talk about the consumer durables sector in India, and why it is not flourishing. Before putting the blame on marketing, I think quality, pricing and supply strategies should be properly analyzed. Durables like washing machine and dishwashers are competing in India with Kaam Waali bais, a human against a machine is tough competition. One way to overcome is to improve quality, or if that's not that easy then educate the bais in the use of washing machines, give them some free. Make them use it, and they will force their memsaabs to use it.

In the meanwhile, WALMART's entry is confirmed. FMCG sector should boom. Kingfisher buys Airdeccan stake. Airdeccan is a great company, they are taking risky risks in these turbulent times. You gotta give it to them. Partnering with Mallaya the king is definitely a win win situation for both of them.

I have been taking two very interesting math classes this summer. Hilbert spaces and analysis, but more on that on independent posts.

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